Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Return Trip

Since our return home on the 23rd Carly has been increasingly fussy when eating or nursing. Most of the day she was doing pretty well and she seemed to be recovering from her last hospital stay, but every feeding session brought a lot of screaming. This made it increasingly tough to get fluids in, and through the weekend we were concerned that her sodium level was becoming elevated. We took Carly in for a blood lab Monday afternoon, and as expected her serum sodium was very high. The only solution was to head to the emergency room to help hydrate her.

They attempted to place an IV but most of Carly's veins, which are hard to find through her cute baby fat, were bruised up from her last stay at the hospital. The best option was to place an NG tube (nasogastric tube) which is a small tube that is inserted down a nostril and into the stomach allowing fluids to be pushed down the tube whenever needed. The tube was placed while we were in the ER and around midnight we were admitted to the hospital for overnight observation. Carly could clearly tell that we were back in the hospital and she did not like it one bit, but fortunately it was a short stay. By 2pm yesterday Carly's sodium was back to a safe level and the endocrine team was comfortable sending us home to continue to rehydrate Carly. We were trained on how to place an NG tube and Carly was sent home with one in place that we will continue to use until she is reliably eating on her own again. Christa and I had discussed getting trained on placing an NG tube earlier, thinking it would be good to have a way to get fluids into Carly in case of an emergency, so that is a positive that came from this latest trip to UCSF (which is hopefully the last trip for 2009!)

Love, Brad


MFA Mama said...

You know, I wondered about that (the NG-tube idea) but didn't exactly want to suggest it because I didn't know if it was something you'd already discussed but not been comfortable with or what (I had to learn how to use, place, and care for an NG-tube with one of my children and so I know that it is NOT an easy thing to do but when you're in a position of truly needing one to keep a baby out of the hospital that is a skillset that you feel very grateful to have acquired, no?) and didn't want to play the "assvice" game when you've got two very level heads between you and Christa and an excellent team of top-notch physicians already weighing in :) I know I personally had a VERY hard time learning to do that, and I wasn't very happy with my son's doctors forcing me to learn how to place the tube before they'd let me leave the hospital with my son (while you do of course have to be very cautious in using the tube to administer feedings and meds I was able to do that right away and very pleased to be able to get those vital fluids, calories, and meds into the baby, but placing the tube...well I don't have to explain that one to y'all), but the first time I had to insert the tube and managed to do it successfully and avoid the ER was AWESOME! It's a peculiar sort of triumph that not many parents can relate to, but being able to do something like that and avoid an ER trip (at the very least) can be very empowering and a source of great satisfaction and relief, and so I congratulate you on mastering the tube. Here's hoping it helps Carly to heal.

JerseyGirl said...

Hoping this was your last trip to the hospital for '09! I'm sure your newly aquired NG skills will come in handy to keep Carly out of the ER. Wishing for a smoother 2010 for Carly. Much love to your family as this new year rings in. ((HUGS))

D/GP said...

What a wonderful comment MFA Mama shared with you. It makes the world a whole lot smaller. God bless you three!! Love D/GP

Tutu said...

With all of the challenges you faced in 2009 your little family drew strength from each other and moved forward. You have led Team Carly through the journey with strength and grace. Thank you.

Paige said...

Glad it was a quick trip and that it's something that can be addressed at home, which is where Carly clearly prefers to be.

Wishing you three a 2010 full of love and light and a healing, vibrant Carly. You're in my thoughts and heart.

Susan said...

Happy new year to you all. Here's to happiness and very good health and more healing in 2010!

Much love.

Gal said...

Sending you guys love and light for a peaceful year ahead filled with continued healing for Carly. Miss you guys a lot. Love, Gal

Unknown said...

Wishing you amazing trio a wonderful wonderful 2010!

Haller Family said...

Happy New Year to the three of you! Here's to a healthy, happy 2010. Love you all,
Mindy, Drew, Layla and Chloe