Saturday, December 12, 2009

On Hold

Today was a quiet day which is a great thing when in the PICU. Carly has been pretty wiped out since yesterday afternoon, sleeping steadily for the last twenty-eight hours. After the last few days she deserved some much needed rest, and it should help her body fight off the pneumonia bug. Dr. Gupta decided to postpone Carly's shunt revision surgery until early next week to give her body some time to recover from her pneumonia. His biggest concern is that the virus or bacteria from her lungs could find its way into the surgical site, possibly leading to more complications from infection. We could all do without any additional complications and since Carly is comfortable, waiting a few more days for the surgery seems like a good idea. We do have a plan if Carly starts to suffer from high pressure again, but hopefully she can continue to rest and get stronger between now and then.

Love, Brad


jenny said...

We're thankful that Carly is comfortable and pain free for now.We are sending lots of love your way.May your stay at the hospital be short, yet complete.

Michele said...

Sending you all thoughts and prayers thanks for keeping us in the loop

Heather and Seth said...

We are thinking about you every minute and sending love all the way. OXOXO

sheila said...

thanks so much for keeping us posted, Brad. We are sending love and prayers for Carly to see through the pneumonia uneventfully and get stronger for a complication-free surgery. sounds like you could all use some rest.

lots and lots of love and support from the east coast,
sheila and keith

7thLynch said...

Sending lots of healing thoughts and love your way.

Unknown said...

Healing vibes, prayers, positive energy headed your way from across the city. Hoping for a swift recovery and a seamless surgery to get Carly feeling better and on the mend. Love you guys!!
-Kim & Dave

Jen Wagner said...

We are sending our love and prayers to you from New York. Stay strong, Carly, Mom and Dad. XOXOX Jen, Gil and all the Wagner family

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the updates. Still thinking of you all -- hopeful that Carly fights this off.

Jeri said...

Just logged on to check in and saw that my hope that Carly was just fussy because she was more awake was wrong. Sending you all my prayers for a short stay in the hospital and an easy surgery. I'm right down the street so, please, feel free to call if you need anything. I can run up very easily.
Kisses to Carly,

Marybeth said...

I've been thinking about you, Christa and Carly all weekend and continue to send love and strong healthy, positive thoughts your way. I hope you were able to get some rest & that Carly is still comfortable and on her way to feeling much better soon. Lots of love heading your way!