Wednesday, October 1, 2008

We're Still Waiting...

The latest from the OR is still good. Carly is very stable and the anesthesia team is happy with how she is doing. Dr. Gupta is slowly and carefully working away and they expect several more hours ahead.

Love, Brad


NicciN said...

More positive good energy coming your way.

Anonymous said...

we're with you -- sending non-stop lovelovelovelove.

SAHM said...

I've been keeping tabs all day and continuing to send prayers up for Carly, her medical team, and both of you. Lots of friends and family are also in the loop and praying. Much love to you all.
Krista, Rob, and Kids

Anonymous said...

Love and positive energy is heading Carly's way from all the way across the country...all day long and all day strong. Thanks so much for keeping us all informed.
P.S. Chloe and Layla both prayed for Carly tonight before they went to bed!
Love you all!

Anonymous said...

Fred and I are sending you all of our love from down here in SoCal. Huge hugs to you!

xoxo, Katy Leigh

Anonymous said...

Been checking back in ourselves all day. Thank you so much for sharing the updates! Still lovin' and sending good thoughts! Go Team Nelson!

Unknown said...

You've been in my thoughts and in my heart all day. mwah, A.

TT said...

great, she is strong like her parents. sending all love

TT said...

great, she is strong like her parents. sending my love and prayer

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Carly and you have been in my and my family and friends good thoughts and prayers all day long here in NY.
We're also praying for Dr Gupta and the OR team. Sending love, good positive energy and prayers your way....
Love, Beth (Jane's mom )

Anonymous said...

B, C & c. . .So, I was telling Hana (age 7) & Zacky (age 5) that Carly has been in surgery since 8:30 am. Hana's reaction was quite surprised, "8:30 am?! Doesn't she need to take a nap or something?" After being assured that Carly was having one long nap, the kids got into a big conversation about Dr.Gupta and how hungry he must be. They would like you to please make sure that he picks up a sandwich or some mac 'n cheese.

I know it's a tough day, but I thought you'd appreciate those little gems.

Hang in there!!

Unknown said...

We are friends of Chris and Lani and have been praying for Carly and your family, we are especially thinking of you guys today and hope that she has the best possible outcome. My mom had 2 tumors when she was a baby and they were removed with no further complications, may you experience the same.

kate said...

go carly! hopefully they're in the home stretch at this point. sending lots of love and healthy brain vibes! big kisses to y'all

Unknown said...

hey brad and all:

still with you here too, wishing you all the best...

slappin and family