Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Hard At Work

The latest update is that Carly is still doing really well. They are making good progress and expect that they will still need to work for quite awhile. She is surrounded by positive light.

Love, Brad


NicciN said...

We continue to send positive thoughts and healing.

Anonymous said...

Go Carly!

Anonymous said...

Brad and Christa...hang in there. I know the waiting can't be easy.'re a trooper!!

Sending my love,

Anonymous said...

Carly's beautiful face has been a constant picture in my mind. I hear her voice and see her smile in all 23 children that I am surrounded by today. LOVe to the 3 of you!

hinder90 said...

Thank you Brad for continuing updates. I've got nothing but high hopes for Carly!

Anonymous said...

So pumped to hear that Carly is a rockstar! I've been thinking about and picturing her super healthy brain all day. Si, se puede chica!
lots of love to all of you.

Anonymous said...

Brad, Christa, Carly and family... many positive thoughts & prayers for a "successful" surgery and healing. With the gorgeous smile that will on Carly Grace's face when she wakes it will be for Mommy/Daddy!


Anonymous said...

Carly, you go girl! We're so thankful things are going well & that you are in the best of hands. Brad-- thank you for the updates. This is appreciated.

Anonymous said...

We are thinking of you all day, and are sending you lots of love and positive thoughts.

Unknown said...

I've been sending Carly loving, healing thoughts all day. I'm so glad to hear she's doing well!!!


Laurel said...

Guido & I send our love to you. We are hopeful that the surgery will be a success. Hang in there!