Monday, May 31, 2010

Sleepless In San Francisco

The first eight hours after Carly’s shunt surgery went smoothly, but the rest of the weekend was a bit more eventful. Carly was very wired on Friday night in the hospital and we were all up for most of the night. Fortunately Dr. Gupta was comfortable with sending us home to recover on Saturday afternoon and we were all happy to be home. Carly continued to be unable to sleep all day Saturday and Sunday night, and she became increasingly uncomfortable into Sunday morning. We had basically accepted that we would need to go back to the hospital on Sunday, but after checking in with the neurosurgeon resident on Sunday we were told to see how things went over the next 24 hours.

It seemed like Carly was a lot more comfortable when laying flat, so we tried to keep her that way most of the day on Sunday which seemed to help. This could mean that Carly needs some time to adjust to the reduced intracranial pressure from the properly working shunt. By Sunday afternoon we were able to take a walk and enjoy the beautiful weather while keeping the stroller in the fully reclined position. Carly slept for the entire two hour walk after nearly 48 hours without sleep. After worrying about a return to the hospital earlier in the day, this walk was the best present Christa or I could ever have asked for. Carly continues to do a little better today, taking a few naps and throwing in a few cute smiles along the way. She is one amazing little girl, and hopefully she will continue to get the relief (and rest) that she deserves.

Love, Brad


Mindy said...

May the calmness and peacefulness continue. MWAH!

Paige said...

Hoping for continued rest and relief for your sweet little girl. And many smiles along the way!

Jen L said...

48 hours without sleep!? She must be in training for High Sierra.

Glad to hear she got a good nap, and hopefully more rest keeps coming for all three of you.

Anonymous said...

I hope you have all been able to get some rest and more smiles for and from everyone. Thinking of you and sending nothing but positivity your way.
