Monday, September 28, 2009

Up On The Hill

Carly has been cruising on her slow and steady recovery, getting a little stronger each week through her many physical therapy sessions. Late last week, both Thursday and Friday, she had a few 20-30 second moments that looked a little unusual to us so we were keeping a close eye on her over the weekend. On Saturday and Sunday these unusual events culminated with what looked like a seizure that lasted almost 10 minutes while we waited at a tram (MUNI) stop in San Francisco. As soon as we got home Christa called the pediatric neurology department at UCSF, who recommended that we come up to the hospital as soon as we could for observation.

We arrived at our hospital room around nine yesterday evening and they immediately hooked Carly up for an overnight EEG study. An EEG requires 24 leads to be glued to your head using a loud vacuum hose to quickly dry the glue. The leads measure your brain activity and can indicate anything unusual such as a seizure. Needless to say, Carly was not happy getting the leads attached and she was pretty exhaused from yelling after the two hour process of setting up the EEG. After about fourteen hours of observation the neurology team determined that Carly was in fact having a type of seizure. The seizures are a bit unusual because Carly is interactive throughout the event, and she will even smile as it is happening. They have placed Carly on an anti-seizure medication and expect that it may take a few days for it to take full effect but we were able to head home this evening after our shortest trip to the hospital to date. Carly is doing well now and is ready for a good night's sleep in her own bed. This type of thing is not unusual for kids who go through everything that Carly has and it may simply be a passing issue as her brain rewires itself. She continues to be as strong as ever and will make it over this hurdle like every other that comes her way.

Love, Brad


NicciN said...

I am glad they figured out what was happening and were able to handle it easily. Sending much love to all three of you.

Team Carly Members said...

Sounds like her brain is just doing what it has to to get back on track even if it looks quirky to us. Luckily you are keenly in tune to Carly and realized she needed to be seen. So happy the cause was quickly discovered and that your stay at the hospital was a quick one.
Still in our prayers,
The Hallers

Marybeth said...

Carly is such an incredibly strong little girl. I probably should no longer be amazed by her strength, but when I read your post I realized that I still am. I'm sorry that you had to go through that, it must have been terrifying. But I'm glad that the doctors said that this may be a part of her brain rewiring & that she is still on her slow, steady and incredibly determined healing path. Sending love to all of you!

Unknown said...

Breaking records with short hospital visits, glad to hear she's doing much better and that her brain is on its way to recovery! much love.

Paige said...

Hoping this stay is a short one and the seizures a quick stop on Carly's journey of healing. Sending love from my temporary home at CPMC over to you at UCSF! xo

Paige said...

Oops, call that bedrest brain. So glad you're home and cozy in your own space, sweet baby. xo

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you are all back home...It must just be really exhausting to always be watching for every single sign of Carly that something is going on.. Trying to send you as much strength as possible... Love, The Cornillons

Michele said...

I'm happy it was a short trip and they figured it out. love u guys

Heather and Seth said...

Sending love and big hugs.

Anonymous said...

Hope the medication works well for her. Hope to see you guys soon!

Jim Ridge said...

Brad & Christa, glad to see things have turned the corner. You are both lucky & blessed.


Catherine said...

Glad it was a quick trip, but exhausting for all I am sure. I hope you could enjoy a little sunshine today. Love, Catherine

JerseyGirl said...

I hate that carly had to go back to the hospital but love that it was a short visit and that the seizures are most likely just a result of her brain healing. She had a long stretch with no issues-hoping for the longest stretch yet this time! Sending love and strength your way. ((HUGS))

Gal said...

Sending HUGE love to Ms. Carly and her parents.

Lani said...

wow. what a fighter that little carly is. i am always thinking of you guys. i can't wait to see you soon!

Tutu said...

Recently I heard a discussion of "Staying in the light" and thought that it perfectly described the three of you. To me it is staying focused on positive outcomes, avoiding darkness, loving and being loved. You have led all of us on Team Carly to join you there 'in the light'.
Thank you.

Anonymous said...

sounds pretty scary. glad you are all back home and focusing on recovery again. we are always sending prayers and good thoughts to sweet Carly and her amazing parents.
love you guys,
sheila and keith