Friday, February 5, 2016


We started this blog over seven years ago as a way to help channel as much love and healing energy to Carly as possible. Her life, and ours, had taken a turn into the uncharted and we knew it would take a Team to find our way. Team Carly was formed, and together we faced the challenges ahead. Our leader was the bravest little girl that we will ever know.

Many years and countless trips to the hospital later, things began to get more stable for Carly. Her last shunt surgery was June 18, 2014, a seemingly endless issue that finally resolved itself. Quarterly MRI’s showed no new tumor growth of any kind. A brother, Kempton, came into her life and the two siblings loved each other with a special bond. As Carly’s life settled into a still challenging, but more stable routine my drive to write a blog left me. I can’t explain exactly why I couldn’t write any longer but I knew that all of Team Carly was still behind us every step of the way.

Today I write what will likely be my last post here. Carly, who was always my Angel, got her wings on February 3, 2016. She was comfortable at her grandparents home, with people that loved her.

There are so many things we could say about Carly Grace. She was brave, wise, calm, patient and loving beyond her years. She was the strongest person we have ever known. She battled through more than 100 lifetimes of challenges, yet every time she made it through and we got back to our home she would smile. That smile was a gift to anyone who saw it, warming our hearts and filling us with love and hope. Carly had a way of bringing out the best in anyone whose life she touched: the medical staff at UCSF, her teachers and classmates, therapists, our friends and family, random people that we met, and most of all Christa and me. Our lives won’t be the same without her, but she has forever changed us for the better. We are forever grateful for the privilege of having her as our daughter.

Love, Brad


T-Rex said...

Carly, I'm going to miss your sweet smile so much! Especially when that smile is because someone is singing to you or music is playing. :) I know you know, but your parents are pretty amazing. So much love going out to you Brad, Christa & Kempton and all of the Nunes/Nelsons! ((hugs))

Michele said...

I truly believe in a heaven. Carly is dancing and playing in that place. You both are such an inspiration. Carly couldn't have asked for better parents.

John L said...

My condolences to a sublime family.

Heather said...

Grace turned out to be the perfect name for such a strong, sweet, patient and inspiring little girl. I am certainly a better person for knowing the whole Nelson/Nunes family. Carly will continue to touch and inspire our lives and relationships forever. Love you guys!

Catherine Nichols said...

Sending you love and peace. You are such a wonderful family with an amazingly positive outlook on life that is to be admired. Carly and her smiles will be greatly missed. Wishing Carly a heaven filled with her favorite "stuffies." xoxo

Unknown said...

Carly blessed all of our lives by teaching us what it means to love unconditionally and without fear. About the simple joy a smile can bring. About the importance of never giving up hope and living every moment to the fullest no matter what challenges you face. It is amazing what a tremendous impact such a little girl could have on the world and I will miss her greatly. Carly's family will always be an inspiration to me as well, particularly the way they came together to support and strengthen each other with such patience, kindness, generosity and fortitude. Sending love your way. Xoxo

Unknown said...

Beautiful Carly - I'm sure you're playing and smiling now... Much love to you all - an amazing and truly inspirational family.

Chris George said...

Very well said, Brad. Carly will be missed.

You and Christa have set the bar for what it means to be great parents, great friends and great people. Thank you for being such an inspiration to us all.

Mark & Julie said...

Thanks for the message Brad -- beautifully written. We have lived Carly's journey though her grandparents - Phil & Sue. And as grandparents of nine little ones ourselves, Carly's story has touched us deeply in many ways. God Bless. Mark & Julie

Unknown said...

Brad- I'm so sorry to hear this devastating news. She touched many lives, and she, along with your whole family, have been inspirations to my family. Carly couldn't have done any better than you & Christa... I hope healing comes quickly to you all.

Abbey said...

Sweet angel...sending you all so much love. You guys are in our heart and thoughts.

Abbey, Cara, & Joe

Robin said...

Carly's smile and beauty will always be with us. And the love that surrounds you and her will never fade. Thank you Carly for touching us with your soul. And thank you Brad and Christa for being the amazing people that you are.

Hannah Coleman said...

I will never forget meeting Carly at Lance & Mark's wedding - she definitely made an impact on me with her evident love of being a part of the celebration and all of those around her. I knew she was a beautiful soul the second I laid eyes on her, and feel so honored to have been in her company that weekend.

Sending you all much love and light.

AJ said...

Brad and Christa,
Loosing a child leaves a very large hole in your heart. However, memories of your life with this special child will help smooth the rough edges. You have been exceptional parents, who have provided love, experiences, medical assistance, and many other things that most of us will never know. Please know that you both, Kempton, and your extended family are in our prayers, which include peace, comfort, and understanding for those things that are beyond our comprehension.
Joan and Bill Hartwig

stephanie said...

Dear Brad and Christa,

I am so grateful to have been allowed to share in Carly's journey. I have learned so much from your beautiful daughter. She has taught me to really appreciate each and every day and to find joy in all the little things that can mean so much. You are all very special to me and have been such an inspiration to the innate kindness and love of the human spirit. My heart goes out to you and your family during this difficult time.

Love and hugs,

Mindy said...

Sweet Carly. She generated an immense amount of love far and wide. We are all proud members of Team Carly, a unified group of family and friends who will continue to lift and support each other. She was our leader and Brad and Christa will forever be our inspiration to enjoy life to its fullest and to bring out the absolute best in everyone. Thank you so much for allowing us all to be a part of this special life and for keeping us informed....especially at a difficult time like this. We are blowing kisses to the heavens and directly out to San Francisco.
Love and peace,
Mindy, Drew, Layla, Chloe and Julian

Unknown said...

i will truly miss her.
michelle malliett
alvarado school

Jenny said...

When I think about Carly I see a beautiful child with a sweet smile and a strong spirit. She has touched all of our hearts. Her legacy is to teach all of us to live life to it's fullest, to give all you can and to know that each day is a gift. Brad and Christa helped her share this message of love and perseverance. Remarkable parents...
Carly will continue to shine in all of us who knew her. The world is a brighter place becasue of Carly.
We will miss you little one.
Love ,

Anonymous said...

Dear Brad, What a beautiful blog you have set up for your daughter. I truly enjoyed reading about her recent birthday outing with you both. Carly and your family will be in our hearts. Sending you all my thoughts and prayers. ~JenniferKuhr Butterfoss, Principal of Alvarado

Unknown said...

Sweet Carly with that contagious smile. All of you are such an inspiration - to take what comes to us with grace, to love always, and to never ever give up. You are a beautiful family. Wishing you lots of love and light and sending huge hugs your way.

Frank Dwyer said...

My deepest condolences to you and your family. I am so sorry for your loss.
-Frank Dwyer

Unknown said...

Carly Grace Nelson❤️. I think it's safe to say that from the minute this little girl was born into this world, we were all changed for the better. She brought us happiness, hope, patience and joy, among many other wonderful things. One of my absolute favorite memories of Carly was how she lit up with the biggest smile across her face when Brad would sing to her. While times like these seem surreal and incomprehensible, knowing that we were blessed with the presence of a wonderful angel can only give me the happiest of memories to look back on. There will always be a hole in my heart for Carly Grace but I will forever cherish the time we were able to spend with her.

Anonymous said...

Our deepest condolences to you and your family. Heaven has gained another angel. Sending you our thoughts and prayers.

Rowena Reyes and Family

Claudya Martinez said...

I am so sorry for your loss. Much love to you and yours.

Emily del Real said...

I am truly sorry for your loss. The loss of a Carly is heartbreaking. My heart aches for you and your family.

Lani said...

Thank you for sharing your journey here through the years. We have always been on team Carly from afar, cheering her along through it all. You both are an inspiration on how to give love unconditionally, and live in a way that brings you joy even when things were really hard. We love your family so much and hope that real hugs will come your way soon. Carly will be forever in our hearts. Lots of love, Lani, Chris & Zephyr

Sylvia said...

Many prayers and much love for your beautiful angel and your family

Hillary Whelan said...

Brad, Christa & Kempton,
I'm trying to think of words to write and nothing which seems adequate comes to my mind, only tears to my eyes. I'm so happy that our family got to spend a little time with Carly while we were living in SF - I wish we had had more meetups but that is life, sometimes hectic and unfocused. I will always remember her smile.
Lots of love coming your way from San Diego,
Hillary, Dan, Finn & Noah

Sarah Seligman said...

I am so sorry for the loss of your precious Carly. She was
blessed to have such caring parents. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.

Unknown said...

Brad and Christa,

Please accept my deepest sympathy for your loss. You are two very courageous and loving people and you are as inspirational as Carly was to those of us who followed her journey. You will all be in my prayers.

Ed Browning

Anonymous said...

Dear Brad and Christa,
I am so sorry to hear about Carly. You must know that the two of you were the strongest of parents that I have known.
I just watched the video tribute to Carly and, Brad, you may have lost your words for awhile but this video couldn't have reflected words any better. Christa, your powerful and sensitive words at the end were so special. I could also see Carly so happy and at peace in her life. I have a feeling that Carly's story will go on as her light shines brightly.

You and your family are in my prayers.
Kay Springer

Unknown said...

You are all truly and inspiration. May you know that you are the clear definition of what amazing parents really are and do in this world today. This post was so beautifully written and my heart hurts and goes out to your family. Carly will always hold a special place in many hearts as she is an angel to so many. May the good memories of Carly be a source of comfort for you at this difficult time. Lots of love,
Erica Schabatka

Becca said...

I am so sad to read this. I will always cherish my memories of holding Carly when she was an infant. What a special little girl she was, and what a fighter. Sending you all my love. Becca Lipski