Shunt seventeen didn't turn out to be the one. After only two weeks it is not functioning properly and needs to be replaced. We spent last night in the hospital and Carly is heading into the operating room in the next hour or so for surgery. They will wait to see which parts aren't working to decide what type of hardware to use this time around. Hopefully whatever is used can last longer than this one did.
Love, Brad
I will keep you guys in my thoughts and prayers today! I am so sorry that Carly's shunt didn't last longer. It sounds like through process of elimination her team is working to find a good fit for sweet Carly.
sending you extra love and prayers for this new shunt surgery and hope that the next one does the job.
thinking of you guys!
Well then our best wishes are lying on number 18. It's always been my favorite number and quite lucky. I hope it proves to be for this as well.
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