Monday, July 26, 2010


Carly was discharged from the hospital yesterday afternoon and we were able to spend last night at home. It’s always a relief to walk out of the hospital and head down Parnassus St. towards our house, but we also knew that Carly had some recovery work ahead of her. The recovery from the last shunt surgery took her over a week and we were hoping that this round would be a bit easier on her.  Last night and this morning were not great and she wasn’t able to rest, but fortunately she started to settle down this afternoon and she finally took a long nap. We’re hopeful that this trend will continue and we will all catch up on some sleep tonight.

Love, Brad


Jane said...

Sending good recovery, get some sleep vibes! Lots of love, Jane

Anonymous said...

Naps are always a good fix! I hope full recovery soon follows....

Carrie n' Rick

Sheila said...

what a difficult road you are on right now, but we are all visualizing better times ahead and are forever impressed at how you are always moving forward on it. I hope you all can get some rest and Carly gets some quick relief and you are able to go back to counting increasing daily smiles. we love you and send you many prayers and good thoughts.

Jen L said...

Hi Guys,

Hope you are doing well, and Carly is getting some rest (you two as well!). Dan and I are thinking of you.


Anonymous said...

Hope your week continued to get better and Carly gets back to baseline.We're keeping our fingers crossed that we'll get to see you on the shores of Douglas Lake.