Carly seems to like to keep everyone guessing. Only two days after her ultrasound showed that she had 350
ml of fluid collected in the bump on her head, the bump started to shrink. By Friday of last week the bump was smaller than it has ever been since surgery and it continues to be that small today. (Can you say Christmas
miracle!) At the same time that this amazing progress has been taking place, Carly has not been acting like herself. Her energy level has been really low and she has been napping a lot more than usual. These symptoms could indicate anything from a simple cold to something more critical so she has had several tests over the last few days to try to
figure it out.
Ultrasounds have shown that there still isn't excessive pressure in her brain, a good sign that neurological problems can be ruled out. Her sodium level has been elevated, and continues to rise, in each of her last two tests which indicates that she is dehydrated. We have been trying to increase the amount of fluid that she is drinking and she will have another sodium check this morning to see if we can get that level to start to lower. It
remains a mystery why she isn't acting quite like herself but we hope to get some
clarity on that in the next few days. We know she will power through.
Love, Brad